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Matthew Guenette was born in upstate New York and raised in New Hampshire. He attended the University of New Hampshire (BA, English Literature) and Southern Illinois University, where he received his MFA in Creative Writing. 

In 2018, his book Vasectomania won the Edna Meudt Poetry Book Award from the Council of Wisconsin Writers. He has received fellowships and residences from Shake Rag Alley, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Hessen-Wisconsin Writers Exchange. His poems have been appeared in publications including Tupelo Quarterly, Third Coast, Sou'wester, Cream City Review, Pleiades, Spoon River and in the anthology A Face to Meet the Faces: An Anthology of Contemporary Persona Poetry

Guenette is the author of three books of poems. His first book, Sudden Anthem, won the 2008 American Poetry Journal Book Prize, and was published by Dream Horse Press. His second book, American Busboy, was selected by Mary Biddinger as an editor's choice for the Akron Poetry Series competition, and was published in 2011 by the University of Akron Press. His third collection, Vasectomania, was published by the University of Akron Press in 2017. His chapbook, Civil Disobedience, won the 2016 Baltic Writing Residency Prize, and was published by Rabbit Catastrophe Press.

In addition to teaching, Guenette has worked as a busboy, a short-order cook, a manual laborer, a secretary, and a sales associate in an art gallery.

Guenette currently teaches composition and creative writing at Madison College, a two-year technical college in Madison, Wisconsin. 

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